Notice to all Cache Highline Water Association shareholders:

The Associations Bylaws and Rules and Regulations have been amended and restated by the
Board of Directors. These updates have been posted to our website and we encourage all
shareholders to visit the website and become familiar with these documents. We have posted
with the newly updated bylaws, a redline version of the original bylaws showing all the changes
and updates clearly highlighted. The Associations website is:

The new Logan & Northern Pressure Pipeline Project has been completed and the bylaws have
been updated to include this project. They have also been updated to clarify more precisely the
point of demarcation between CHWA system and all shareholders systems regarding
responsibility, maintenance, and liability within the system for the water and infrastructure. The
new updates also include Exhibits that provide clear illustrated examples of where
responsibility/maintenance/liability changes from Association to shareholder. We would
encourage all shareholders to have adequate liability insurance to cover the cost of any
unforeseen accident that could potentially occur within their systems.

CHWA Board of Directors

Download the First Amended and Restated ByLaws and Rules and Regulations of Cache Highline Water Association

Bylaws First Amendment to Compare

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C