The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Cache Highline Water Association

April 7, 2016

The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of the Cache Highline Water Association was held on April 7, 2016, at the Sky View High School Auditorium, 520 South 250 East, Smithfield, Utah.  Approximately 150 people were present in addition to the Board of Directors; J-U-B representative, Paul Willardson; and Cache County representative, Bob Fotheringham.

President Keith Miekle welcomed the attendees and introduced the Board Members, Treasurer, Secretary, and Water Managers.

A motion to approve the minutes of last year’s meeting, held on April 7, 2015, was proposed by Bruce Godfrey, seconded by Carlos Anderson, and carried unanimously.

Financial Report Highlights (also see attachment)

•    Only 40 percent of the middle channel maintenance is paid for by CWHA; the four cities pay the rest, as they use the channel for storm water.  
•    Power was used only for turning on two wells in Smithfield, with less than three weeks of pumping due to careful water management.
•    All but about one hundred LHP&S and L&N certificates have been turned in and replaced with new CHWA certificates.
•    No substantial legal fees are anticipated for the coming year.
•    40 percent of the loan payments are paid by the cities.

Clair Leishman made a motion to accept the financial statements as presented. The motion was seconded by Bruce Godfrey and carried unanimously.

Construction Update Highlights (see attachment)

    The pressurized pipe, 4.2 miles from 1500 North to 4400 North on the middle channel, will run 60 psi of water when completed.  The project is on schedule, on budget, and expected to be operational by May 1.  Over 20,000 feet of pipe has been installed with only 2,000 left.  During the process, many trees were removed from the route to improve access.  Closely located headgates were combined to save a considerable amount of money; on these turnouts with multiple users, each user has his/her own shut-off valve.

Water Manager’s Report

    Water Manager Darin Evans expressed gratitude to the shareholders for help in getting through a difficult water year last summer.  Headgate contact information is still essential for the Water Managers and the Board to function effectively; in addition, all headgate users need to be aware who their head gate manager is, as this is the person to contact in an emergency situation.  Before water is put into the new pressurized line, Water Managers will meet with the head gate representatives to discuss possible problems, shut-offs, etc.

Landowners along the Canal have a responsibility to contact the Water Managers or the Board about Canal problems such as seepage, burrowing rodents, or anything blocking the Canal flow.  Darin emphasized the importance of not sterilizing the Canal banks in any way.  Weeds may be removed, but grasses are needed to prevent erosion.  Removal of trees is often necessary because of seepage and access difficulty; new bushes, trees, or other landscaping features should not be planted on the Canal bank; they obstruct access along the right of way, and the roots actually cause erosion and seepage problems.

    Keith Meikle also emphasized the following legal rights of the Canal:  (1) to act as a dominant estate and determine what is removed and what remains along the bank right of way; (2) to carry water and to perform all maintenance required to carry out that function.  The Canal/Board does not have the right to grant pedestrian traffic; however, it does support the community trails.

Water Outlook (see attachment)

    Jim Huppi presented a comprehensive graph showing historical precipitation and storm water equivalent at Tony Grove.  He indicated that the water situation is much better this year than last, but careful water use is still very necessary.

Water Conservancy District

    Bob Fotheringham has talked to all communities in the valley about the advantages of creating a water conservancy district to help preserve water and protect water rights.  A committee has drafted the bylaws and resolutions necessary to create a water conservancy district.  One board member will be appointed; ten board members will be elected from the water districts involved.  Shareholders may contact Dave Erickson or Jim Huppi with concerns; both are members of the committee.  


    Nominations were taken for four seats on the Board of Directors.  Deon Hunsaker was nominated by Jeff Rich and seconded by Dave Erickson; Kirt Hoggan was nominated by Norm Younker and seconded by Mitch Shaeffer; Jon Meikle was nominated by Bruce Godfrey and seconded by Reed Elder; and Keith Meikle was nominated by Clyde Bartlett and seconded by Marty Israelsen.  

    Since no others were nominated, Reed Elder made a motion that nominations cease which was seconded by Vern Ashcroft. The motion passed unanimously, and the nominees were elected by acclamation.

    This meeting adjourned at 8:10


Below are the presentations that were shown at the 2015 annual meeting held on April 7, 2015. They are all in .pdf format and you can open then online or download them.

2016 Water Outlook

Annual Meeting 2016 - Financial Report-2015